Xello and EDPs
Xello and EDPs
Xello is a program to help students be college & career ready. The goal is to make every student be future ready!
Xello helps prepare K-12 students for future success with an engaging program that builds self-knowledge, personalized plans, and critical life skills.
In the program, they will create an Educational Development Plan (EDP), which is a dynamic, actionable plan outlining the steps needed to achieve career, school and life goals.
Plans are then brought to life—whether for a career, job or college—by taking informed action.
Student Login Instructions:
1. To access Xello and your EDP, go to login.xello.world
2. Your Username is the prefix `MAISD-` followed by your student ID (e.g. MAISD-123456)
3. Your Password is your birth date (mmddyyyy) (e.g. August 25th, 1997 = 08251997)
4. After your first login, you will be required to select a new password.
5. Please add an email address to your Profile so that you can take advantage of the 'Forgot Username/Password' feature.
Parents and Students interesting in additional career research may go to PathFinder and have fun exploring!