Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment

DE is an opportunity for college-bound students to begin taking college courses during their high school years at no cost to them. Holton High School works primarily with Muskegon Community College, where students can either take courses online or in-person to earn both high school and college credit.

Students can take a maximum of 10 courses during their high school years. Most students take a couple of courses as a Junior and as a Senior.

There are minimum score requirements to take a Dual Enrollment class - these scores come from formal assessments like the ACT, the SAT or an assessment test at MCC.

Students are required to complete an orientation with Muskegon Community College prior to the start of their classes.

There is an information session each semester. Date and time will be put in the high school announcements. 

Forms & Information

Dual Information

MCC's Transfer Agreement - This is a list of general education courses that are good  to take.