Standardized Testing and Assessments

Standardized Testing and Assessments

Testing Dates:

State testing takes place over a three day time-period in April.  Juniors also take the PSAT/NMSQT in October.  Specific dates will be announced once the state posts them.

Middle School:

The MSTEP will be coordinated and given at the same time the HS is testing.  The MSTEP covers ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

6th Grade - ELA and Math

7th Grade - ELA and Math

8th Grade - ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies

High School:

11th Grade - PSAT / NMSQT 

9th Grade - PSAT 8/9

10th Grade - PSAT 10

11th Grade - SAT, WorkKeys, MSTEP

Assessment Guide:

Please refer to MI Department of Education's Guide to State Assessments for more information.