MS/HS Title 1

What is Title I?


Title I is a federal program that provides funds to school districts and schools with high numbers, or high percentages of children, who are disadvantaged to support a variety of services and learning supports. The overall purpose of Title I programs and services provided by Holton Public Schools is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education, and reach, at a minimum, acceptable proficiency levels on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments. Title I is a federal grant program that contains provisions for ensuring that children who are disadvantaged benefit from the academic enrichment services funded with Title I, Part A funds at Holton Public Schools.

As an example, Title I funds can be used to hire staff, purchase instructional materials, and provide professional development to support students identified as low achieving in reading and math, so that students are able to show proficiency on reading and math state assessments. In addition, Title I schools are required to develop a parent engagement policy that specifically outlines how the school will support parents with their students' learning. The parent engagement policies, our school’s parent involvement plan, and a copy of the school’s parent – student – teacher compact are also available for your review.